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- ;-------T-------T------------------------T----------------------------------;
- ;This demo is like the other pixel list demos but uses a CHUNKY8 screen type.
- ;Then screen size has been kept very small as the C2P routine is too slow,
- ;but this will be improved in the next version. The good thing is that
- ;because the routine is transparent, using a graphics card would mean that
- ;this demo would run at the maximum possible speed (ie the chunky screen
- ;would be displayable, so no c2p would be needed).
- ;
- ;Press LMB to exit.
- INCLUDE "dpkernel/dpkernel.i"
- ;===========================================================================;
- ;===========================================================================;
- Start: MOVEM.L A0-A6/D1-D7,-(SP)
- move.l DPKBase(pc),a6
- lea ScreenTags(pc),a0
- sub.l a1,a1
- CALL Init
- tst.l d0
- beq.s .Exit
- moveq #ID_JOYDATA,d0 ;Get joydata structure.
- CALL Get
- move.l d0,JoyData
- beq.s .Exit
- move.l d0,a0 ;Initialise the joydata structure.
- sub.l a1,a1
- CALL Init
- tst.l .Exit
- move.l Screen(pc),a0
- CALL Display
- bsr.s Main
- .Exit move.l DPKBase(pc),a6
- move.l JoyData(pc),a0
- CALL Free
- move.l Screen(pc),a0
- CALL Free
- MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A6/D1-D7
- moveq #ERR_OK,d0
- rts
- ;===========================================================================;
- ;===========================================================================;
- Main:
- .loop move.l DPKBase(pc),a6
- move.l Screen(pc),a1
- move.l GS_Bitmap(a1),a0
- CALL Clear
- lea MList(pc),a2 ;a2 = Pointer to pixel list.
- move.l a2,a3 ;Drop the pixels here.
- moveq #31-1,d7
- .drop addq.w #1,2(a3) ;a3 = YCoord+1
- subq.l #1,4(a3) ;a3 = (Colour)-1
- bge.s .colok
- clr.l 4(a3)
- .colok addq.w #8,a3
- dbra d7,.drop
- move.l DPKBase(pc),a6
- lea MouseX(pc),a5
- move.l JoyData(pc),a0
- CALL Query
- move.l JoyData(pc),a0
- move.l JD_Buttons(a0),d0
- btst #JB_LMB,d0
- bne.s .done
- move.w JD_XChange(a0),d0
- move.w JD_YChange(a0),d1
- add.w d1,2(a5) ;d1 = (MouseY)+ChangeY
- add.w (a5),d0
- move.l Screen(pc),a0
- .ChkRX cmp.w GS_Width(a0),d0
- blt.s .ChkLX
- move.w GS_Width(a0),(a5)
- bra.s .Calculate
- .ChkLX tst.w d0
- bgt.s .okX
- clr.w (a5)
- bra.s .Calculate
- .okX move.w d0,(a5)
- .Calculate
- move.l (a5),-(sp)
- moveq #2,d1
- CALL FastRandom
- subq.w #1,d0
- add.w d0,(a5)
- moveq #2,d1
- CALL FastRandom
- subq.w #1,d0
- add.w d0,2(a5)
- move.l a2,a3
- moveq #31-1,d7
- .tloop move.l 8(a3),(a3)
- move.l 12(a3),4(a3)
- addq.w #8,a3
- dbra d7,.tloop
- move.l BLTBase(pc),a6
- move.l Screen(pc),a0
- move.l GS_Bitmap(a0),a0
- lea PixelList(pc),a1 ;a1 = Pixel list.
- CALL bltDrawPixelList ;>> = Draw pixels with clipping.
- move.l (sp)+,(a5)
- move.l SCRBase(pc),a6
- CALL scrWaitAVBL
- bra .loop
- .done rts
- ;===========================================================================;
- ; DATA
- ;===========================================================================;
- JoyData: dc.l 0
- ScreenTags: dc.l TAGS_SCREEN
- Screen: dc.l 0
- dc.l GSA_Width,256
- dc.l GSA_Height,128
- dc.l GSA_Attrib,SCR_CENTRE
- dc.l GSA_BitmapTags,0
- dc.l BMA_Palette,.palette
- dc.l BMA_Type,CHUNKY8
- dc.l TAGEND,0
- dc.l TAGEND
- .palette dc.l PALETTE,32
- dc.l $000000,$101010,$171717,$202020,$272727,$303030
- dc.l $373737,$404040,$474747,$505050,$575757,$606060
- dc.l $676767,$707070,$777777,$808080,$878787,$909090
- dc.l $979797,$a0a0a0,$a7a7a7,$b0b0b0,$b7b7b7,$c0c0c0
- dc.l $c7c7c7,$d0d0d0,$d7d7d7,$e0e0e0,$e0e0e0,$f0f0f0
- dc.l $f7f7f7,$ffffff
- PixelList: dc.w 32,PXL_SIZEOF ;Amount of entries, EntrySize.
- dc.l MList ;Pointer to pixel list array.
- MList: PIXEL 16,12,00 ;First pixel to draw (at back)
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;X/Y/Colour
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- PIXEL 16,12,00 ;..
- MouseX: PIXEL 16,12,31 ;Last pixel to draw (in front)
- ;===========================================================================;
- ProgName: dc.b "Chunky Pixels",0
- ProgAuthor: dc.b "Paul Manias",0
- ProgDate: dc.b "February 1998",0
- ProgCopyright: dc.b "DreamWorld Productions (c) 1996-1998. Freely distributable.",0
- ProgShort: dc.b "Chunky demo, single buffer.",0
- even